Associazione Balò ODV

We provide the children with books
and learning because
they face violence,
poverty and deprivation.
You can donate
Your time and knoledge!
Collaborate with Balò
Work as a volunteer
Support a boy or girl
through sponsorship.
At this time, Balò ODV supports 200 children.
We are a small organisation but
we are like a large family
who look out for each other.

Balò ODV is able to operate thanks to the constant commitment and contribution of friends and people who, because they are firmly convinced of the effectiveness of this initiative, have always been active in gathering funds which make this project possible.

"Breaking the cycle of poverty and inspiring positive change in the lives of vulnerable children and women."

Balò ODV Association has chosen to operate in India, where a seemingly insurmountable gap still exists between the population benefiting from the economic boom and those who have no access even to the most basic living standards. In a place where sanitary conditions are still nonexistent, healthcare is a luxury that few can afford, and sending one's children to school is often unimaginable.

We are committed to ensuring that the women and children we support, as well as all the people we come into contact with in various capacities, are treated equally , regardless of gender, ethnicity, or religion.


Balò English School

Work as a volunteer


A Refuge of Hope

Located on the edge of the Pilkhana slum in Calcutta, Casa Balò provides refuge and support to young girls and hosts a tailoring workshop. In this area, Balò ODV Association works to improve living conditions among precarious infrastructure and difficult hygienic conditions.